Toothaches can be excruciating, but relief is within reach with these five effective remedies that target tooth pain at its source:Toothaches can be excruciating, but relief is within reach with these five effective remedies that target tooth pain at its source:
Saltwater Rinse: A salt water rinse that we can simply do it can can provide instant relief for gums by killing bacteria as well as inflammation. Add a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle to get the solution spread well on your tongue for about 30 seconds then spit it out. Repeat as often is desired as an analgesic.
Clove Oil: Clove oil, containing eugenol, is a natural anesthetic substance, which has potent analgesic quality. Place a tiny amount of clove oil on the affected tooth and gums that surround it by massaging it with your finger or cotton swab. In certain cases it can eliminate the sensation of toothache. This will help relieve the pain.
Ice Pack: The use of a ice pack over the inflamed area helps to numb pain and reduce swelling that often accompanies toothaches. Place the frozen bag of ice or the cold compress with a cloth on the cheek bone next to the sore tooth and leave it there for 15 minutes.
Peppermint Tea: Since peppermint tea has soothing properties that can remedy toothache pain, it can be very useful in treating toothaches. For the peppermint tea which has a warm, soothing quality, brew it and allow it to cool slightly then swish it around your mouth while breathing out and then spit it or swallow. The sensation of coolness giving a temporary feeling of comfort and relaxation even if it may be a short-term situation.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Over the counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen can be utilized to relieve the toothache pain and at the same time decrease swelling. Take the dosage advice from the instructional label and get in touch with your physician if you have questions.
Although such remedies will probably bring special reliefs for toothaches, it is better to solve the actual thing for which the pain is appeared by getting dental treatment from a skilled specialist. While avoiding dental pain and treatment of dental problems with homemade methods may seem to be a suitable way out, however it may be more complicating and result in damage. First and foremost, make scheduling a dental appointment a priority to enable the hygienist to examine your mouth well to establish the cause and relevant treatment.