There are many good reasons to quit smoking, and they have to plan it properly, they have right start to the long-term process. These are some of the ways that will assist you avoid or prepare for situations that may in turn assist you to quit smoking once and for all.
- Understand Your Motivation: first of all, it is necessary to determine why you want to quit and setting up personal goals. If it is about gaining good health, financially or simply to be a role model for family members, it is very important that one has to have the right reasons behind his actions. It is important that you write down your reasons and at the same time you should put them where they can be seen on a daily basis.
- Set a Quit Date: As a way to stop smoking, one should set a specific date when they will stop the habit completely. This has the advantage of providing you enough time to mentally and emotionally gear up for the preparation process. This is a time that should be remembered and considered as a special event in any person’s calendar.
- Educate Yourself: Find out the effect of smoking on a smoker, the effects of smoking to others and the advantages of stopping smoking. Knowing how smoking affects different systems of the body and the overall quality of life can remind an individual of reasons why he or she needs to quit.
- Visualize Success: Immerse yourself, and become a non-smoker out of what is now reality. To replace negativity with positivity, it helps to paint a picture of the improvements that are expected to be witnessed such as physical and financial wellness, and fitness. Hence, positive visualization can enhance the self-esteem and motivation you have on a specific goal.
- Plan for Challenges: Such temptation relief measures should be expected times that may trigger smoking urge and develop ways of handling them. This can entail exercising, avoiding stressful situations, places or all activities that tend to trigger the stress, and consulting friends, relatives, and other well-wishers.
- Seek Support: They have to be supported and this can be done by having friends and family around to help them go through the various issues which they face in life. This is advisable to inform friends, relative, and even working associates of your mind to stop taking the substance in a bid to get their support. Seeking support from other people also receives great aid; this may involve joining a support group or a counselor.
- Stay Positive: For instance, upkeep positivity and reassure oneself that smoking cessation is a process. The challenges will come but make sure to enjoy all the small accomplishments in between and do not quit when things don’t go as planned. Every single day of the week that you don’t have any cigarettes in your system is one less step which is not helping you on your road to a healthier tomorrow.
- Use Resources: Patch and gum for instance, prescription drugs and cessation programs are among some of the effective smoking cessation strategies available. They may help to promote successful work.
The following are mental approaches you can use to help you quit smoking: Entering the smoking cessation process with the right attitude can easily help you overcome various challenges that may arise throughout the process and thus, improve your chances of success.